Mineral salts: their role and importance in our bodies

Water is the basis for all life, a precious element which needs to be protected, but not all water is the same: its quality and composition can vary greatly depending on where it comes from and how it is treated along the way.  A crucial consideration is the presence of mineral salts, those inorganic compounds which, although they only make up around 4-5% of our body weight, perform a vital role in our overall well-being and the correct functioning of our bodies.

In this article, we will explore the world of mineral salts, learn about the vital functions they perform and their importance for our bodies. We will also take a closer look at the presence of these precious elements in tap water and the benefits of drinking filtered water at home. Let’s get started!

1 - Mineral salts: classification


Mineral salts can be divided into two main categories: macro-elements and micro-elements. Macro-elements such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are found in our bodies in greater quantities and perform a vital role for our water balance, muscle contraction for movement, nerve impulses, and the health of our bones and teeth. The amounts of these elements which our bodies need on a daily basis is on average in the grams or tenths of grams.

Micro-elements, on the other hand, such as iron, zinc, selenium and iodine, are needed in smaller quantities but are no less important: they contribute to the proper functioning of the body’s immune system, producing energy, and numerous other biological functions that contribute to everyday routines. Our daily requirement for these elements is, on average, in the milligrams or micrograms: if it is under 200 mg they are referred to as oligoelements; if it is less than 100 mg they are called micro-elements.

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Are mineral salts dangerous? It is very important to stress that any toxicity caused by these elements depends solely on the quantities we put into our bodies: only excessive doses can make mineral salts potentially harmful for our bodies, but it is very difficult (practically impossible) for this to happen if we eat a balanced and sustainable diet which provides our bodies with the right amount of mineral salts.

2 - Mineral salts and tap water: the perfect blend


Our bodies lose mineral salts in a variety of ways throughout the day. Sweating is the main way that we lose these substances: during physical activity on a hot and humid day, or at times of temporary stress, our bodies produce sweat to control our temperature and blood pressure. In doing so, the body loses the most important mineral salts such as sodium, potassium and magnesium. The natural workings of our intestines and kidneys also tend to expel mineral salts, which are crucial for digestion.

So how can we replace them? Drinking water with high levels of mineral salts helps to correct the levels in our bodies.
The good news is that the tap water in our homes comes from aquifers and springs which naturally contain a variety of mineral salts.

The concentration of these salts varies according to your location and the specific source of the water, but the tap water in our homes is generally very good and safe, as we have written on many occasions. It is checked and treated repeatedly along its journey from the source (or aquifer) to our homes.
What could be more convenient than being able to turn on the tap at home and drink water which is rich in mineral salts?

3 - Drinking filtered water: a choice that benefits us all


Filtering tap water at home is a valid alternative to buying water in single-use plastic bottles. First of all, it is a choice which reduces our environmental impact, reducing the amount of plastic waste generated and, not forgetting, it is more convenient! Why bother going to the supermarket and lugging around heavy crates of bottled water, when all you need is a lightweight and practical filter jug or a filter for your kitchen tap?

Modern filtration systems can remove impurities, chlorine and other contaminants while retaining the useful mineral salts and giving us water which tastes better. 
But why filter it? Is it not already safe? The water in our homes often has a bitter, unpleasant flavour, due to the use of chlorine which is (correctly) used to make the water safe and clean on its journey through the water mains. The amount of chlorine used is absolutely not harmful (and is regulated by the law) but if removed using simple filter, the water has a better taste and enhances our drinks.

In addition, whilst tap water is safe and high-quality, the final part of the supply network, the privately owned bit in our homes, can release substances and particles held in suspension which can be very easily removed using a simple filter for water jugs, bottles or taps.

4 - In conclusion

Mineral salts are a precious element for our health and they play a fundamental role in the correct functioning of our bodies.

Tap water is already naturally rich in mineral salts, so it is a good idea to use it for our daily hydration needs, while also benefiting from household filtration which can improve the taste of the water. Drinking filtered water is a practical, money-saving, and sustainable way of hydrating while ensuring that we get the essential nutrients that we need.

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